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What is an Ayahuasca retreat?

What is an Ayahuasca retreat?

Ayahuasca Retreats in the Sacred Valley, Cusco. 

An Ayahuasca retreat is a transformative program that blends traditional Amazonian healing practices with psychedelic medicine and transpersonal psychotherapy. The core focus of an Ayahuasca retreat is to facilitate a profound healing experience through exploration of expanded states of consciousness.


During your retreat, you'll participate in Ayahuasca ceremonies designed to cleanse you physically, energetically, and spiritually. This powerful process of catharsis, purging, and purification is supported by the use of shamanic techniques. A dedicated transpersonal psychotherapist will be present to guide you through your experience and help you integrate it into your daily life.


Throughout the retreat, you'll receive ongoing support from your transpersonal therapist. This personalized guidance fosters a transformative and healing journey. The Ayahuasca experience can facilitate a powerful connection with your Higher Self or guide you through explorations of the spiritual world.


The retreat also offers an opportunity to address past wounds or traumas, reconnect with your inner child, and integrate shadow aspects of your personality. Ayahuasca serves as a potent tool for self-discovery.


Beyond the transformative power of the medicine, you'll have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the magic of the Sacred Valley of the Incas.


Shamanism, Spiritual Journey & profound Healing experience. Welcome to our Ayahuasca Retreats!


Embark on a profound journey into the depths of your being. Explore the vast landscapes of your psyche and connect with your spiritual dimension. This transformative experience fosters self-discovery, unlocking your inner potential for healing, growth, and evolution.


The retreat unfolds over five or six days, incorporating two or three Ayahuasca sessions with a maximum of six participants per ceremony.


Here are some key objectives you can expect to explore:

This program offers the opportunity to connect with a higher level of consciousness and experience a profound shift in your perspective.





Millenary Psychedelic Science



For millennia, the Amazonian people have utilized Ayahuasca, passing its wisdom down through generations. Historically, this brew served diverse purposes, including:

Healing ailments: Ayahuasca has been traditionally used to address various physical and emotional conditions.

Preparation for rituals: It played a role in preparing individuals for hunting, warfare, or other sacred ceremonies.

Accessing altered states: Ayahuasca facilitates experiences beyond ordinary consciousness, providing insights into the world's deeper order.

Connecting with the spirit world: It serves as a bridge to the spiritual realm, fostering communication with the unseen.


In essence, Ayahuasca is a powerful tool for inner exploration and spiritual awakening, a legacy of profound ancestral wisdom.

This ancient wisdom offers valuable insights to modern people, particularly those yearning for a deeper spiritual connection and a sense of purpose. Our retreat centers integrate the Amazonian medicinal system with transpersonal psychotherapy to offer a holistic approach to healing and growth.


What is Ayahuasca

Ayahuasca: A Legacy of Healing

Understanding Ayahuasca's Effects

Important Safety Information

Further Exploration:


Learn more



How to participate in the Ayahuasca Retreats?

Preparing for Your Ayahuasca Retreat.

To optimize your experience, participating in a pre-retreat preparation process is highly recommended. This includes following a specific dietary plan, often referred to as the Ayahuasca dieta.


The Ayahuasca Dieta:

A Personalized Approach:

Our Ayahuasca dieta is carefully designed to align with the therapeutic goals of our retreats.


Ready to Begin Your Journey?

If you're interested in participating in one of our Ayahuasca retreats, contact us! We'll guide you through the evaluation process and provide personalized support for both pre-retreat preparation and post-retreat integration. We'll equip you with all the necessary information to ensure a safe and successful experience.


Preparation Timeline:

It's generally advisable to begin preparing several weeks, or even months, in advance of your retreat.







Who can participate in the ayahuasca retreats?

Ayahuasca retreats offer a powerful experience, but it's important to ensure your safety and well-being. To participate, you should be:

Pre-Retreat Evaluation

A thorough pre-retreat evaluation is crucial to identify any potential health risks. Not everyone is suitable for Ayahuasca. Here are some restrictions:

Contact us to initiate a confidential evaluation process and determine if an Ayahuasca retreat is right for you.


Motivations for Participation

People are drawn to Ayahuasca retreats for various reasons, such as:

Therapeutic Support

All participants receive ongoing psychotherapeutic counseling with a transpersonal approach. This ensures personalized support throughout your retreat journey, especially if any emotional challenges arise during the process of self-realization.



How is preparation to participate in the Ayahuasca Retreats?

Preparing for Your Ayahuasca Retreat: A Modern Approach

With years of experience guiding Ayahuasca journeys, we understand the confusion surrounding preparation.  Traditional wisdom from Amazonian shamans is invaluable, but our modern lifestyles require a slightly different approach.  Here's how we bridge the gap:


Respecting Tradition, Embracing Modernity

While we honor the wisdom of indigenous peoples, we recognize the distinct needs of individuals from urban environments.  Their motivations for Ayahuasca often differ, and their bodies may react differently due to dietary and lifestyle factors.


A Personalized Path to Preparation

We create a personalized preparation plan encompassing:

Dietary Guidance: A focus on detoxification through a vegetarian, low-fat, and sugar-free diet. Detailed dietary recommendations are available. 
Medical Considerations: We provide pre-retreat medical advice to ensure your safety. Starting the diet 5 days before the retreat is beneficial, although longer periods (months) are highly encouraged.
Emotional and Spiritual Practices: We recommend incorporating daily practices like yoga, tai chi, or meditation to prepare your mind and spirit.
Understanding the Journey: Knowledge of frameworks like Jungian Analytical Psychology or Ken Wilber's Integral Theory can help you interpret your experiences.

Integration Support: Practices like post-retreat meditation aid in integrating the experience into your daily life for lasting positive effects.

By combining traditional knowledge with a modern approach, we empower you to have a safe and transformative Ayahuasca experience.



How is the dietary preparation?

Understanding Dietas in Ayahuasca Retreats

Traditional Amazonian healers utilize various techniques, including:

The traditional "dieta" involves consuming specific dieta plants in a prescribed manner, often as part of a healer's training.


Our Approach to Preparation

In our Ayahuasca retreats, we don't use the traditional dieta with specific dieta plants. However, we do recommend a specialized preparation diet.

This preparation diet focuses on:

Essentially, it's about promoting a clean and healthy internal environment for a more positive Ayahuasca experience.


Detailed Dietary Recommendations

For a comprehensive overview of our recommended preparation diet, please refer to the following link:


Ayahuasca diet



How is the ayahuasca experience?



Ayahuasca Experiences: A Journey into the Unknown

Ayahuasca journeys are profoundly personal and unique. Predicting your experience is impossible, but here's a glimpse into the potential:

Remember, every journey is unique. Embrace the unknown and open yourself to the transformative potential of Ayahuasca.



How is the ayahuasca ceremony?

Ayahuasca Ceremonies: A Journey Within a Sacred Space

The heart of our Ayahuasca retreats lies in the ceremonies, held within a designated space we call "the temple." This sacred space is reserved solely for ceremonies with sacred plants, fostering a sense of reverence and focus.


Nightly Ceremonies and Ritual Importance

Ayahuasca ceremonies occur exclusively at night, with the intake taking place within a structured ritual and therapeutic context. Ritual plays a crucial role in shaping the experience for participants:

Symbolic Elements for Deeper Understanding

The ceremonies incorporate various symbolic elements to enhance the experience and interpretation:

The Role of Ritual Structure

The structured nature of the ritual provides a secure framework for participants to navigate the powerful effects of Ayahuasca. It allows them to:

By combining the power of sacred space, meaningful rituals, and skilled guidance, Ayahuasca ceremonies create an environment for profound introspection and transformation.


Ayahuasca Ceremony



Ayahuasca Integration

Ayahuasca: A Profound Dive into the Depths of Your Being

Living an ayahuasca experience can be a transformative odyssey, unearthing profound truths buried within. It's often described as a spiritual awakening, a rebirth that ignites a sense of renewal. Participants frequently speak of a distinct "before" and "after" the experience. The journey itself becomes a catalyst for significant change, offering fresh perspectives on existence. It's like being handed a new lens through which you perceive reality, allowing you to navigate life with a deeper understanding.


A Lasting Legacy: The Importance of Integration

The transformative potential of Ayahuasca extends far beyond the ceremony itself. Many participants yearn to sustain the positive and healing effects long after the experience has concluded. This is where integration becomes paramount.


Unlocking the Wisdom Within: The Power of Interpretation

The way we interpret our ayahuasca experiences plays a crucial role in unlocking their full potential. Just like deciphering a cryptic dream, a proper understanding sheds light on the path ahead. It empowers you to translate the insights gleaned during the ceremony into tangible actions that fuel your healing journey and personal growth. Integration allows you to weave the newfound wisdom gained from Ayahuasca into the fabric of your daily life, fostering a more fulfilling and authentic existence.


Guiding You on Your Transformative Journey

You don't have to embark on this transformative journey alone. We offer comprehensive support to guide you through every step of the process, from pre-retreat preparation to post-ceremony integration.


Ayahuasca integration



On the other hand, we provide online advice to anyone who is interested in a longer and profound integration work. Or people who wish to have other psychedelic experiences and require remote counseling and spiritual training can contact us. We provide an online psychospiritual support service.


Center for research and exploring expanded states of consciousness


Psychedelic Integration Sessions




8 days Ayahuasca & San Pedro Retreat (Machu Picchu)


This retreat includes to participate in  3 ayahuasca ceremonies, in a 1 San Pedro cactus ceremony, in 1 offering ceremony to Pachamama (mother earth) and, additionally, you will visit the important Machu Picchu Inca temple, which is considered as a historical and cultural heritage of humanity, and represents an evidence of respect for nature and the interest in the knowledge of the nature of the cosmos, through the study of the movement of the stars, the sacred work of the stone, the cultivation of superfoods and sacred plants such as the coca leaf and ayahuasca vine. You will also visit an Inca agriculture laboratory called Moray and the salt mines. 


Participating in this retreat will allow you to explore the depths of your being, connect with the wisdom of your inner Self, and give you the opportunity to live a deep experience of cleansing, purification and healing. Our Ayahuasca retreats include a therapeutic system that integrates traditional Amazonian medicine and psychospiritual techniques that facilitate the interpretation, assimilation and integration of experiences in ayahuasca sessions.


Our Ayahuasca retreats include the use of a sophisticated blinking light device that helps the brain experience visionary states and other states of consciousness. It is a device that stimulates the pineal gland and the production of endogenous DMT, generating variations in brain wave activity.


You can see all our Ayahuasca Retreats here:


Ayahuasca Retreats


Ayahuasca Research

The Sapan Inka Retreat Center participated in a scientific research entitled: "Psychedelic experiences of people who participated in sessions of ayahuasca therapy". The interviews used as a source of data for the research were conducted at the Sapan Inka Center for a period of 5 years. It is a qualitative research that aimed to describe and interpret the various psychological effects that participants lived during and after their experiences, in the short and long term. It is an important research in which it was concluded that the way in which people perceive and interpret their experiences is very important; because it depends on the depth and duration of the impact experienced, which occurs at different levels; encompassing the instinctive, the emotional, various cognitive processes, and the spiritual.



Sapan Inka Blog

It is true it is possible to learn a lot about Ayahuasca by surffing the internet, but sometimes it becomes difficult to know how to filter the relevant information that we are needing to make a decision.


That’s the reason we have decided to share some information about ayahuasca that we think it might be helpful for you.

If you are interested to learn a little bit more about this, you can visit our blog


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Ayahuasca Retreats

An opportunity to overcome existential conflicts and to solve psychological and emocional issues

Sapan Inka Retreat Center
Ayahuasca Retreats in The Sacred Valley
Who we are?
Sapan Inka Retreat Center looking for an integration of ancestral wisdom from the indigenous culture of the Amazon jungle and the Peruvian Andes to the psychotherapeutic practice.